However, unless you have concrete reasons to move the director's details to a separate document type, you should keep it in the video-rec document. 但是,除非您有具体原因需要将关于导演的详细信息移动到一个单独的文档类型中,否则应该将这些信息保存在video-rec文档中。
The term binding in WSDL refers to the link between abstract and the concrete details of a Web service. 绑定这个术语在WSDL适用于Web服务中抽象和具体信息之间的链接。
All of those things are seen by WSDL as concrete details of the implementation of the service. 所有这些都可以从WSDL看到并作为实现服务的具体的详细信息。
Having a completeTransaction() method abstracts my code toward the conceptual and away from concrete details. 建立completeTransaction()方法能够使代码更概念化,避免具体的细节。
As for other more concrete details. 那至于其他更多更具体的内容呢。
Gratitude is to fill them with concrete life details and tell the selves don't fall in the inextricable sadness. 感激则是通过每一天具体而微的生活细节来充实自己,并告诫自己不要坠入无法自拔的衰伤当中。
At the last meeting, in Beijing in December, the two countries agreed to a 10-year collaboration on energy and the environment and this week's talks are expected to establish more concrete details for the framework on issues such as alternative fuels and vehicle efficiency. 在去年12月于北京召开的上一轮会议上,美中两国同意在能源及环境方面展开为期10年的协作。而本周的相关会谈,将有望细化替代燃料及车辆能效等议题的框架方案。
Based on the practice, it introduces a new technology applying GTM to the concrete production, and discusses it in details in order to ensure the construction quality. 结合施工实践,介绍了GTM设计原理.探讨了施工工艺,为此类工程的施工质量控制积累了经验。
Precast concrete connection details 预制混凝土连接机构详图
The study concluded that major sources of the suspected carcinogen must be present around Osaka but could not provide concrete details. 研究的结论是,主要来源是怀疑的致癌物质,必须围绕本大阪但他无法提供具体情况。
Ased on the pavement construction of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway Changzhou section, this paper introduces the material specifications, quality and machinery in construction, discusses the middle and lower course mechanical construction of asphalt concrete in details. 以沪宁高速公路常州段路面工程为例,介绍了工程用材料的规格、质量要求以及施工机械的配套,并且详细介绍了沥青混凝土中下面层机械化施工概况。
The general conception about individual fate and historical choice results in doubts about the concrete and exiguous details. 关于个人命运和历史选择同构的总体设想,在文本的具体而微处遭到了潜伏的质疑和自我悖反。
By means of concrete instance analysis, the details of the minimalist architecture are depicted. The third part investigates the methods of arranging the site for the purpose of saving energy. 同时又通过实例分析对极少主义建筑的细部进行讲述。第五部分以住宅建筑的细部节能设计为重点,探讨了住宅外围护结构、屋顶、门窗等重点部位节能设计的做法。
A new calculus of height and gradient form a single image is analyzed carefully, furthermore, the concrete steps and calculation details are proposed. 分析了一种新的由阴影恢复形状算法,并提出了实现算法的具体步骤和计算方法。
Based on OpenGL technology, the paper implements terrain visualization by mapping an aerial image to DEM, which is proved to be effective to express concrete elements and details. 本文采用OpenGL技术将航空影像粘贴到DEM上实现地形可视化,实验证明这种方法能很好的表达地形的具体要素细节。
The concrete details are stated by appropriate algorithms or procedures. 对其中具体细节采用相宜算法、过程予以描述。
The paper discusses the main factors which affects the thickness of water storing structures'protective coat, and introduces the relevant Chinese and overseas rules on concrete protective coat in details. 对影响贮水构筑物保护层厚度的主要因素进行了讨论,并对国内外目前有关混凝土保护层厚度的有关规定作了较详细的介绍。
And the key application of CSCW technique in the system is designing of the electron board, we have introduced emphatically the composition and realization of the electron board, and designed some concrete details. 而CSCW技术在该系统中的应用的重点是电子白板系统的设计,本文着重介绍了电子白板系统的架构与实现,并对一些具体细节问题进行了设计;
The principle of the early Han is nearly the same to those prescribed in the Codes of Qin Dynasty, but after Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty there were some changes in the concrete operation details and standards of application. 汉初的刑罚原则与秦律所载刑罚原则基本相同,西汉武帝以后在具体的操作细节和适用标准方面有所改变。
The paper describes the basic principles and concrete light path in details. 详细描述了基本原理和具体光路。
The article finally looks at the concrete details of the images presented in Li Song's masterpiece, in order to explain their actual relationship to the specific social context that gave rise to the work. 本文最后对一些具体图像加以解读,尝试从图画与当时具体社会情境之间的关系来重新认识李嵩的杰作。
This article holds the view that the teacher's roles in the implement of synthetical practical activity curriculum are more concrete, in details the roles are director learner and artist, etc. 本文认为,在综合实践活动课的实施中,教师的角色更为具体,主要有:导演、学习者、艺术家等几种。
According to contrastive tests of different primary material and test conditions, this thesis has analyzed the influencing factors of the elastic modulus of plastic concrete in details and has drawn the influencing rule of each factor to the elastic modulus of plastic concrete. 并通过对不同原材料用量和不同试验条件的对比试验,对影响塑性混凝土弹性模量的各种因素进行了详细分析,得出了各种因素对塑性混凝土弹性模量的影响规律。
Each level is the subset with concrete details of customer knowledge. 其中每个知识层次都是包含该层次具体内容的客户知识子集。
Based on experiment of 6 lowly reinforced colliery waste concrete beams and 9 lowly reinforced pumice concrete beams, the special crack patterns and cracking mechanism of lowly reinforced light weight concrete beams are analyzed in details. 在6根煤矸石混凝土梁和9根浮石混凝土梁试验的基础上,对低配筋轻骨料混凝土梁裂缝开展机理作了详细的分析。
Concrete suggestions are made on certain constructional details of the tilting burner with a short nozzle. 同时对短喷嘴摆动式燃烧器的某些结构设计提出了建议。
Taking the Fujian DGSMRNS as an example, the concrete framework and the partial details of the system development are studied. 以福建省大坝群安全监控远程网络系统为例,研究了系统开发的思路、具体框架以及部分实现细节。
Balanced cantilever construction is used in prestressed concrete box girder. The segment No. 0 concrete construction, temporary fixed construction methods and closure concrete construction ways are studied in details. 单箱双室的预应力混凝土箱梁采用悬臂现浇混凝土的节段施工方法,详细研究了墩顶0号块件混凝土施工和临时锚固施工的方法、以及合龙段混凝土施工方法。
The next chapter of this thesis described the concrete realization of each subsystem in details, including the indicators subsystem, ecological assessment subsystem, as well as the subsystem of results demonstrate. 第四章详细介绍了各子系统的具体实现,包括指标获取子系统、生态评估子系统以及结果展示子系统的开发实现。
The first part introduced concrete details of a case involving guarantee and assurance both, focus of dispute and a few concrete opinions. 本文以保证和物的担保并存作为研究对象,第一部分介绍了涉及保证和物的担保并存时的具体的案情、争议的焦点及几种具体的意见。